Thursday 15 October 2015

Suggestion 4 HTSA Evening Meeting 13th November 6:00p.m

We appreciate that many parents want to get involved with the HTSA but cannot attend morning meetings due to work commitments. We therefore propose to run and support working-groups for a variety of events, and these groups could meet in the evening instead of the morning.

To get the ball rolling on The Night Shift we'd like to extend an invitation to parents and carers to join the first HTSA Evening Meeting on the 13th November – a social brain-storming evening that coincides with the movie night.

Time 6pm, venue the club room. Free glass of wine/bottle of beer + snacks.

We've come up with FOUR suggestions to get us started – these are only SUGGESTIONS, mind, you may have your own ideas as to how to raise funds in 2015/16.



Maybe you hate meetings? Maybe it's just rotten luck that the meetings are stage at a time when you can't make them. Maybe you just don't like the look of the committee.

So… GO IT ALONE. Grow a moustache, stop drinking, cycle, run, walk and get sponsors.

You don't have to wait for permission to fundraise for YOUR HTSA.

If your solo fundraising needs support – posters, sponsor forms, announcements, reasonable expenses – get in touch with the committee – Adam, Marina, Gemma, Wiebke & Hannah.


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