HTSA Meeting Minutes

Minutes of HTSA Meeting with Mrs Kimani Wed 4 Oct 2017:

Attendees: Mrs Kimani, Miss Newman, Louise Glennon, Eleanor Beyer


Christmas Fair - Saturday 25th November.
·        Very happy for Yr 6 to run a stall at the fair.  Mrs Newman will speak to the teacher to see if they want to do an enterprise project.  Then year 5 maybe for the summer Fair once they are a bit older too.

School Disco - 2 Feb 2018
·        Issue raised of Parental Responsibility for children who come unaccompanied by an adult to the infant/junior disco.  
·        Ensure in correspondence we confirm ASC closes at 6 and children cannot be left there for the disco to start at 6.30! 
·        Discussed making the infant Disco from 5-6.15 to give them an extra 15 mins.  Then the Junior disco from 6.45-8.
·        The issue of sibilings attending the infant/junior disco's was also mentioned as something we should think about.
·        The older children don't like dancing as much so things like coloured hair sprays and nail bar were always a hit.  Mrs K also said often we dont get the teachers to help out as much with the Junior disco so it might be nice to persuade them to participate more with the older ones too.

Adult Event - Friday 9th March
·        Mrs K suggested a wine tasting evening with perhaps a small auction as well.

Summer Fair - Sat 12 May TBC with Mrs K - she is asking if Mrs Newman can attend as she already has a commitment that weekend herself.

Summer BBQ - Friday 15th June
·        Raised the issue of who is responsible for safety during this event.  As Mrs K was in attendance there were things the children were doing that are not things they would normally be allowed to do and it was therefore a bit of a grey area of who was responsible.  This is something I think will be covered under the insurance issue Hannah and we just need to confirm if Mrs K needs to take that responsibility of not.
·        Additionally, for a bit event should we provide first aiders?  I would think that is also an insurance thing depending on our cover?!

Summer Concert - Monday 16 July
·        Pimms bar confirmed to go ahead again.

Other Business

Christmas play is on 13/14 December
·        Eleanor suggested the nursery parents bake cakes for the morning of 14th prior to the show (this is instead of after school as they are not here after school)
·        Find someone willing to film the shop and or take photographs (If we can all start asking round or thinking of anyone for that please?)

Christmas Parties
·        Mrs K asked if HTSA would be willing to supply/pay for the food for the parties as this is something that usually comes out of the school budget?  I said I would ask the Treasurers! 
·        If we were to pay then she would like some HTSA representatives to come along to hand out the food/show their face to up the profile!

Easter Egg Hunt - 29  March 2018
·        Asked us to look for alternative options other than Cadbury's cream eggs! 

New Reception Parents - 18th June
·        Myself or Eleanor to attend the meeting to catch new parents as they start. 
·        Offer a stop and stay coffee for parents during the settling in period after the May half term.  New children from outside the school (i.e. not in nursery) will be coming for a morning each week for 6 weeks.

About the HTSA
·        We thought it would be a good idea to put together a leaflet or similar of all the things that the HTSA raise money for to support the school and the students.  I think a lot of the things parents are unaware of and being aware of what it means will maybe encourage people to become more involved.  Myself and Eleanor are going to work on this but some input would be good too, we will do a draft and then get some feedback.

Fundraising Projects
·        We discussed the possibility of raising money for specific things.  The big push is on the Library area and we discussed ideas such as raising money for a shelf per class etc
·        Also perhaps a similar model for things like the picnic benches etc. 



HTSA Minutes of meeting 6.11.2015

Chair :  Marina Tebbut / Adam Scott
Attending :  Karen Saunders (Sec),  Muriel Clark,  Catherine Namey,  Judy Pang,  Chenoa Powell,  Tracy Peace,  Ella Dorell,  Paula Quiddington.
Apologies from :   Gemma Winstanely, Alex Thomson, ....
It was acknowledged that the meeting was called on short notice.

Stalls /jobs were allocated for the Christmas fair as follows: 
Nursery parents will cover Secret Santa room.
Reception to cover Jarbola (Muriel will aim for x3 shifts of 2 parents)
Sophie was volunteered (in her absence) for the Sweet stall due to previous success.
Year 2/4 will cover the kitchen.  Marina to email sheet/template to Ella so she can collect list of donated dishes from parents.
Year 5 – Arts and crafts lead by Sylvie.  Karen will check Home-ware suitcase in shed.
Year 6 – Jarbola – subject to confirmation from Alex that she can arrange Year 6 parents.
Santa’s Grotto – Governors  - Note we may need to spend some money on the decorations.
We need a Face-painter.  Katherine will speak to her contact about offering a small fee if no volunteer is found. The professional was a success previously, charging £2 for whole face and £1 for a small design.
The Photo-booth is booked. Tokens will be sold via the teachers on the human fruit machine.
Tatoos/ manicures – No volunteers so far.  Will ask staff (Naomi perhaps).  
 Karen to ask Ms Edge for the Year 6 Rota for soft drinks.
Hot drinks and mulled wine – Nina and Olivia (Yr6) were suggested.  (to be confirmed).
Raffle tickets will now be sold separately and not given free with a glass of wine.
Guess the Treasure – Marina will ask Karina if she could do this again as was very popular.
Mufti day will take place Friday 20/11/15 ( a week before the fair) .  Volunteers will be needed on this morning for wrapping. The Tombola will also require volunteers on the morning 27/11/15, lead by Judy.
Reps to ask for volunteers for Entrance.  (Mrs Kimani may want to help here).
Posters are ready to go up.

WE NEED SANTAS !!  Reps to ask around.  Note as they are not alone with the children they no longer need the CRB check. Nick was suggested, as he saved Christmas last year!  
Marina confirmed Nikki (Y5 parent) has secured a £1k donation from Barclays and Gemma (Yr5 parent) has secured a £500 donation.  Hooray!

Other Business
Re : Early Years Playground. The outdoor equipment needs urgently replacing. Katherine put forward Ilga’s ideas and quotes for new climbing/exploring apparatus, specially designed to be beneficial for physical development.  Costs are approx £5k.  It was agreed this was a great idea and worthy of investment, however, as the cost is high and Mrs Kimani is currently prioritising the building of an outdoor cabin at a similar cost of £5k + other projects, we would have to check directly with her (and Treasurers) to approve.
Katherine pointed out Early years staff are very keen for this project to go ahead and are prepared to do some targeted fundraising to contribute to the costs.   
Adam welcomed an additional fundraising event that could fit into the post-Christmas/early Spring time slot.   
Marina suggested that they might ask Ms Gatti (Year 1) to help as her dad has offered his services for a potential fundraiser after performing a fantastic, entertaining assembly/workshop for the children this term.   
Considering all of the above, Adam concluded we have a worthy cause + perfect time slot available + potential fundraising idea so hopefully Early Years can plan with our help.
No other


2nd October 2015

Next Meeting: TBC

By who
Into and thanks
Outgoing vice chair Adam Scott welcomed, rounded up and thanked everyone for 2014 / 15

Acting Head target and goals
Mrs Kimani thanked everyone for the contributions last year – playground markings / new play area
Suggested the following projects for coming year:
Nurture log cabin - £4,000 – high priority
Replacing EYFS climbing frame and resurfacing - £4,000 approx – high priority
Guided reading set of kindles – 6 x £60 – medium priority
Updating laptops, min 16 at approx. £200 – medium priority
Class set of ipads – 16 at £319 each – low priority

Treasurers report 2014 / 15
Figures were distributed (treasurer's will be on the website soon)
HTSA Balance - £12,355
Figure raised - £15,446.85
Yellow moon, only raised £1.50 more than the coffee sale at Sports day (!)
Agreed to keep cash balance at £3,000
Paula is resigning from Treasury position. Many thanks from everyone for all her hard work
Paula will remain as signatory during transitionary period until reports are submitted

Positions elected as follows:
Adam Scott – Chair
Marina Tebbutt and Gemma Winstanley – vice chair
Weibke Thormahlen and Hannah Forster – Treasury
Secretary – position still vacant (Sophie to cover in interim)
Anyone interested in taking over Secretary position should email to express their interest

Events planned for 2015 / 16
Dates as follows (agreed with Mrs Kimani)
2 x fairs
Winter – 28th November
Summer – to be confirmed next year
Disco – 5th February. Paula and Judy to head up organising
Dave to DJ
Film night – 13th November
All events to be planned and organised at day time meetings
Evening meetings – some parents expressed more interest in evening meetings.
Suggest subcommittee to run these in conjunction with social events
(suggested 4 x evening events next year)
Anyone can suggest ideas and run the events
Chair / vice chair have less time.
Someone else to chair in the evening

Bake offs
Dates drawn out of a hat for fairness – see below

Christmas Catalogue
Any orders to be submitted by 21st October
Reminder in newsletter
Text to be sent out
Mrs Huegdon thanked everyone for the classroom contributions last year
Mrs Gatti would like a carpet for her classroom and asked HTSA to fund it – it was agreed
Coach travel for swimming – Y4 requested help with funding
HTSA felt that we already contribute a significant amount to coach travel
Mrs Kimani said it is a voluntary contribution and will work with class reps to reword letter

Other suggestions
Everyone can always send suggestions to:

Important Dates
Film night
13th November
Bake offs:

Nursery – 17th June
Reception – 8th July
Y1 – 6th November
Y2E – 4th March
Y2H – 24th March
Y3 – 15th Jan
Y4 – 23rd October
Y5 – 6th May
Y6 – 12th February

HTSA Meeting

17th July 2015

Attendees: Marina Tebbutt, Gemma Winstanley, Adam Scott, Paula Dozie, John Pope, Helen Martin, Judy Pang, Paula Quiddington, Catherine Namey, Hannah Forster, Chen Powell, Jac Miller, Nichola Robinson, Tim Bowden. 

Apologies: Sophie Davies, Wiebke Crouch, Karen Saunders, Louise Dodwell, Ella Dorrell, Androulla Christou 

Brief financial report was passed around for perusal. 

Autumn term 

Y2 DVDs - £130.00 
Christmas fair (net) - £3,456 
Wine tasting - £867.00 
Cake sales - £313.70 
Movember sponsor - £260.00 
The Giving Machine - £136.46 
Northbrook Christmas catalogue - £86.41 
Yellow Moon catalogue - £9.49 

Total £5,034.15 

Spring term 

Christmas production DVDs £360.00 
Cake sales £493.31 
School disco £613.52 
Yellow Moon £17.64 
The Giving Machine (Jan to March) £213.86 
Quiz night £1034.16 

Total £2,732.49 

Summer term 

Spring fair £3,001.29 
Cake sales £886.40 (year total £1693.41) 
Auction night £2,946.00 
Lolly sale £47.00 
The Giving Machine £332.39 (year total £615) 

Total - £7,213.08 

Total amount raised so far £14,979.72 

Cake sale success stands out, suggestions made that next year each class should have a sale of their choice eg. Books, cakes, gifts etc. 

Suggestions of an International Evening to be our first event of academic year 2015/2016. Adam in discussions with Mrs Kimani about it taking place on parents evening. 

A cinema night, camping, adult disco were other suggestions for fund raisers. 

HTSA Meeting
5th June 2015

Gemma Winstanley, Marina Tebbutt, , Sophie Davies, Paula Dozie, Adam Scott, Helen Martin, Judy Pang, Wiebke, Karen Saunders, Ella Dorrell, Louise, Rachel, Catherine

Next Meeting: TBC

By who
Spring Fair
Firstly, A MASSIVE thank you to everyone for an amazing summer fair, it was a great success

Auction Night
7.30 start on 12 June
Tickets available from class reps – ideally need about 40 – 50
Promises can be donated if you can’t make the night  (e.g cupcakes / babysitting / gardening etc.)
Licenced bar – a drink and nibbles included in ticket price (£3)
Donations on the night can be gift aided, create new form
Prizes to be advertised early next week
Last fundraising / push before end of term


School Projects
Playground markings now completed – Paula to confirm final amount with Mr Bowden
HTSA School treat for outstanding – to fund whole school trip to Phoenix cinema on 25th June
Y6 – end of year trip – Judy to let us know what is required
We would like to fund this every year
Mrs Kimani requested £350 for a Roald Dahl transition workshop for Y2. Vote was cast and we agreed to pay for this (and in following years)

Date for AGM to be announced ASAP
All positions to be elected
We will need 2 x treasurers
Vice Chair
All people wishing to be considered should email to express their interest

Sports Days
Suggested providing coffee and cakes / snacks for parents and siblings at Sports Day
Gemma to ask Costa / check with Mr Bowden

Other suggestions
Everyone can always send suggestions to:

Bake offs
Next one - 19 June – Nursery
10 July – Y1G
Winner to be announced on 13 July - £100 prize for the winning class

Important Dates
Auction Night
12th June

HTSA Meeting
24th April 2015

Gemma Winstanley, Marina Tebbutt, , Sophie Davies, Paula Dozie, Nichola Robinson, Rachael Pivers, Hannah Forster, Jac Miller, Judith Costa, Louise Glennon
Ella Dorrell, Adam Scott, Paula Quiddington, Chen Powell, Judy Pang, Wiebke, Helen Martin, Linda, Karen Saunders, Catherine

Next Meeting: TBC

By who
Spring Fair
Helpers needed
2 shifts
11.45am to 1pm
1pm – 2.30pm
Reps to try and recruit 4 people per class (2 for each shift)
Marina / Gemma have list of stalls, please find them in the playground if you are not sure
8 people required in the kitchen
Same format for food – Pizza, hot dogs, bring a dish
Rachael (Ruben’s mum) volunteered to help in the kitchen

Pricing for each stall was discussed and agreed
Toy tombola, as well as normal tombola
Hannah volunteered to help with preparation for toy tombola
Coconuts are required – can anyone source?
3 rides – no wet weather option
Surf Simulator
Bungee Run
Bouncy Castle
If anyone would like to sponsor these rides (or indeed any other stalls), please see one of the committee / your class rep
Mocktails and cocktails (new stall)
Pram race – budgens have donated trollies
Balloons – can Haven provide balloons

Sticks / balloon valves – find out costs
Firemen – call and see if they will come
Plants – looking for donations
Counters for after the fair – to check with Mr Bowden

Marina / Gemma

Marina / Gemma
House boards
40 parents agreed to have house boards, which means £400!
All house boards should now have gone up

Free Drama Workshop
We need helpers to stay and clear up!
We will be running a free workshop (after 2:30pm) at the end of the fair for the children, so that big people can help tidy!

Other suggestions
Everyone can always send suggestions to:

Tickets will be going out shortly to all the class reps – some lovely prizes on offer
Bake offs
Next one - 1 May – Y3
22 May – Y5
19 June – Nursery

Important Dates
Spring Fair
16 May


PRESENT: Gemma Winstanley, Adam Scott, Paula Dozie, Helen Martin, Sophie Davies, Chenoa Powell, Karen Saunders, Paula Quiddington

Apologies from Linda Askew & Alex Thomson

Next Meeting TBC

Catering For Quiz Night 13th March

A request has been made via the class reps looking for volunteers to make chilli for the Quiz Night on 13th March. The proposal is that we replicate the model used at the school fairs.

The request is for one veg & one meat chilli from each year group with YEAR 3 and YEAR 4 already covered for volunteers.

Helen Martin (Class Rep Reception) suggested that outsourcing catering would be a preferable option. Karen Saunders raised the issue of cost and the Vice Chair invited Helen to source some quotes for outsourcing catering for forthcoming events.

Chenoa Powell suggested local restaurant Casa Pepe could provide catering for future events and has been invited to explore this option on behalf of the HTSA

Year 6 Leavers Hoodies

Chenoa Powell has asked that the HTSA cover the VAT on the Y6 leavers hoodies.

KS1 Science Museum Trip

A request from KS1 to cover the price of a coach for a trip to the Science Museum – quotes yet to be sourced by estimated cost is £300 – £400.

HTSA Financial Meeting
6th February 2015

Gemma Winstanley, Marina Tebbutt, Adam Scott, Sophie Davies, Paula Dozie,

By who
Charity Status
HTSA is a charity and our charity number is 22294052
Number to be put on website
Charity commission requires registered trustees
At the moment we have 2 trustees registered – Paula Dozie and Sylvia Larkin. All committee members should be trustees (ideally) Everyone to look into implications of being a trustee and confirm they are happy
Providing in agreement we should provide Paula with our full name / address / DOB / email
Trustees would then need to resign as trustees, if they no longer want to be on the committee


Last years accounts are to be submitted by June 2015 at the latest (same each year)
School financial year is April 1st to March 31st

At the moment Paula and Sylvia are signatories. Marina / Gemma and Adam to be added

Each September we must hold a formal meeting to elect committee members. Everyone must step down and then step up again if they wish.

Fundraising Money
All members of the committee are insured for up to £1000 of fundraising money if they take it home. This is covered by the PTA insurance.
Any fundraising money should be counted after any event and be bank ready
Mr Bowden has agreed with Paula that some money can be kept in the school safe after large events
Counters are required for fairs – Tina normally does the running, but counters count and sort the money after the fairs

Currently we have approximately £15,000 in the Bank
We agreed that we would never go below £3,000 as a minimum in the account
Mr Bowden to be made aware

Class Money
Discussed increasing the amount of money per class to £100 per term. The money can be rolled over from September to July, but cannot be carried over to the new school year

Gift Aid
We need to look for a volunteer to manage this process and to understand fully what we can claim gift aid on. This would be their sole job for the HTSA, working closely with Paula

Fairs – we need more people to stay and tidy up and clear guidelines need to be given about what is expected afterwards
Treat of the week – Marina to include information on what we are spending money on in the weekly news letter
HTSA – we can treat if we like. Talked about the Circus Skills Workshop – Adam to contact the group he is familiar with to see if they would help
Estate Agents – Paula talking to Martyn Gerrard about what they can do
House boards – do we still want them
Date for summer fair – 16th May


HTSA Meeting
30th January 2015

Gemma Winstanley, Marina Tebbutt, Adam Scott, Sophie Davies, Karen Saunders, Elizabeth James, Louise Nodwell, Paula Dozie, Linda Askew, Chenoa Powell, Judy Pang, Paula Quiddington, Susie Huntington, Emma Tsangarides, Helen Martin, Rachel Austin,Sue Koumourou, Androulla Christou, Catherine Namey, Nichola Robinson, Jac Miller
Ella Dorrell, Christine Mere

Next Meeting: TBC

By who
Posters up for Monday
Tickets given to class reps and office, Paula, Chen and Judy also have spares
Junior Disco – Mrs Christou to ask staff for helpers
(Need 5 – got 2)
Infant Disco
Marina will help, Mrs Christou to ask staff and Louise to ask Y2 parents
To note: No nail varnish, just hair spray / tattoos.
Text to be sent regarding pocket money
Parent reps to remind parents when selling tickets NOT A DROP OFF

Christmas Fair
Paula prepared figures from each stall
Food stall did very well as usual, big thanks to Trina and Maria - £589
Other top stalls – cakes - £341, £277 santa, £147 / £152 for photos / reindeer
Thank you to everyone who helped
Figures for all stalls will be shared

Next time….
Hamper stall was discussed – using some donations for tombola to make up hampers to sell
The date was good as it coincided with Black Friday, something to think about this year
Santa present – the chocolates / calenders contained nuts. Other suggestions were note pads / religious calenders
Xmas stall – maybe ask Northbrook if we can move our order date back
Games room – set time limit and children pay to come in
Giant games

Other suggestions
Secret presents all year round – like the santa room at the fair, perhaps do something for mothers day / special occasions?
Clothing collection – recycling company will pay for the weight we collect. Mrs Christou to ask
Fashion show
Morris Dancing workshop
Spring Fair
Breakfast morning in hall
Second hand school uniform sale
Cash back on name tags – Susie suggested a company
Farm animals for the children – giving something back - Emma to look into costs
Everyone can always send suggestions to new email address / facebook page

Raffle Prizes and Sponsors
Everyone to think about raffle prizes all year round so that we can get a kitty going
Sponsors – need to think about how we advertise this more, doesn’ t have to just be companies, can be families, can be individuals, can be anonymous. We can display sponsors on stalls. Spread the word, maybe send out a letter

Bake offs
Next one - 13 Feb – Y1J
20 March – Rec
1 May – Y3
22 May – Y5
19 June – Nursery
As this is going so well, we talked about maybe giving each class a % of the earnings instead of only one class winning

Quiz or Auction?
Date set for 13 March
Decided on a quiz and set the auction for later in the year 12 June
·      Mr Bowden to be quiz master


  •  HTSA this one is tricky! It does raise LOTS of money for the school and can be a laugh but the reality is it does cater to those who have more money to splash. I wonder if making it part of a night as opposed to what the whole night is about is a better way to angle it? (Submitted by Ella Dorrell)

    • The goal of course is to raise as much money as possible but parents should feel like they've had a fun night and justified the cost of the babysitter.
    Also it doesn't take many lots before the audience lose interest and start chatting. Best to start with something fun, lots of wine = happy merry parents with open wallets. The obvious are quiz, comedy or race night but will try and think of others. 

    What about table tennis?!?! Could hire 4 or 5 tables, sell parent made bowls of curry and do an auctions after.
  • (Submitted by Tracey Peace)

School Projects
Adam Scott has had a donation from one of his friends and Mrs Huegdon has asked for some money for the Barnet Dance Festival for Y4. We all agreed to give them money for T-shirts and pizza
Mr Bowden said the landscaping is now finished and we confirmed we would settle this
Mr Bowden to look into playground markings again as we agreed we would like to help with this
HTSA have funded some duck eggs which will come in March. The children can then decide where they would like to donate the ducks too when they are old enough

VIA FACEBOOK: interesting question. I guess you may not have MORE parents make it (look at today's turnout photo - wow!) but you would engage with the perhaps more working parent and even more dads who usually can't make the weekday morning meetings. The Y1G parents have said if there was an evening meeting tagged with another school event (e.g. the school was hosting a curriculum session followed by a HTSA meeting) they would probably try harder to attend. They also said if beers and crisps were thrown in even better! (Submitted by Ella Dorrell)

The last time we had an evening meeting there were only four of us there! What about varying the day of the meeting? (Submitted by Sarah Rymer)

Important Dates
13 March

HTSA Meeting
5th November 2014

Gemma Winstanley, Marina Tebbutt, Adam Scott,, Christine Mere,Catherine Namey, Hannah Forster, Tracy Pearce, Muriel Clark,  Louise Nodwell, Linda Askew, Nicola Robinson, Judy Pang, Karen Scott-Goulding, Francesco Zoffoli, Mrs Christou, Tristan
Paula Quiddington, Ella Dorrell, Alex Thompson, Sophie Davies, Wiebke Crouch, Jeanne Pimenta

Next Meeting: To be confirmed

By who
Initial Welcome to all from Gemma

WineTasting Friday 14th Nov
·      Majestic will provide the wine, providing service for free and splitting the cost 50% with HTSA
·      Ticket sales aiming between 50 to 60 people
·      Tickets to be sold by class reps for £10 each (tickets issued to class reps present)
·      Pudding auction, 8 puddings to be provided by Trish, Gemma, Marina, Linda, Karen, Christine, Stuart and Jenny.  (potentially 2 more needed looking for providers, can be bought or homemade)
·      Raffle prizes for the evening can be bought through the class reps at £1 per ticket.  (to include 2 hamper baskets, guided walking tour, toiletries)
·      A selection of beers to be auctioned off towards the end of the evening
·      Thanks to Adam for producing the tickets.

Class Reps

Trish, Gemma, Marina, Linda, Karen, Christine, Stuart and Jenny
Printing and posters
·      A discussion was held around finding a parent who can print posters and maps for the Christmas Fair and in general help with printing for events throughout the year.
·      Potentially 10 posters per event
·      Agreed to ask for help in the newsletter
·      Francesco  agreed to provide artwork for posters and maps for Christmas Fair
·      Tristan agreed to print posters for Christmas Fair
·      Mrs Christou to laminate posters for jam jars and wine tasting to be displayed outside.


Mrs Christou

Christmas Fair 29th November 1200 - 1430
·       2 shifts for volunteers 1130 - 1300 and  1300 - 1500
·      Posters and maps to be provided as above
·      Potentially maps numbered to track visitor attendance, or ticket numbers issued on entrance
·      Note to be put in the Newsletter for the donation of christmas decorations and assistance with decorating.
·      Possibility of purchasing fibre optic tree from sports direct
·      Jam jar stall requires 200 jars, class reps to remind parents to bring in filled jars.  Previously has been a huge success with the children
·      Suggestion put forward for staff human fruit machine.  4 staff required for each shift.  3 holding bags of fruit, 1 with a bell
·      One other staff member required for front entrance
·      Facepainter required, Catherine to contact facepainting school and confirm if anyone available.
·      Potential manicure stand - Marina to speak with Kat, Minora
·      Music to be provided for each Christmas room, Christmas cd's required. Christine can provide 3, others to be provided.
·      It was confirmed choir to perform in food hall by Karen
·      Stalls to be provided as listed below
Nursery - Popcorn and sweet stall  - Nicola
Y1G - 4 stalls (1st Shift)
Y1J - 4 stalls (2nd shift) - (Secret Santa room, Tattoos and Lucky Dip) - Leaving with Sophie
Reception - Guess what's on the treasure map, Guess the number of sweets, issue tokens for the photo booth and rodeo reindeer attractions.
Y2 - Toys (new, 2nd hand and pocket money) 3 people per shift
Y3 - Books and dvds - Adam (Karen can also help)
Y3 - Food and drink - Kat Law (tbc)
Y4 - Arts and craft  - Sylvia
Y4 - Food and drink - Maria Jones-Law
Y5 - Tumbola - Linda
Y6 - Cake Stall - Judy Pang, Paula Quiddington
Jarbola - Sarah (prep time to be arranged)
·      Class reps to arrange for 2/3 people to cover each shift they are responsible for inform Gemma and Marina
·      Food Hall will only contain perishables and the choir, entrance will be via the office door
·      Raffle tickets have been ordered
·      More prizes needed for the raffle, donations so far
Offer of the week from Boots (Judy), 2 tickets from Phoenix cinema ( TBC), Tablet (Adam), £100 cash prize. If anyone has contacts with restaurants, florists etc please ask for a raffle prize donation.
Linda enquiring at LA Fitness
Karen enquiring about supermarket hamper
·      Linda to confirm if husband can be Father Christmas
·      Photobooth - Marina has a sponsor




Class Reps

Mrs Christou

Mrs Christou





Catherine, Helen

Judy, Paula

Class Reps

·      Cheques relating to Norbrook to be banked
·      Movember, Adam will donate 50% to HTSA and 50% to Mens Health of any sponsorship he receives


Giving Machine
·      Thanks to Hannah for producing Giving machine leaflet.
·      Money earned this month is 3 times that of last month
·      Earning potential will double on The Giving Machine with 3 more signups
·      Discussion to encourage, friends and relatives to join

·      Adam thanked those who have signed up to the facebook site ( and are sharing posts.
·      Currently 39 parents signed up
·      First advertisement has been posted
·      Advertising space is available on an annual basis costing £50.  Available for small businesses, gardeners, childminders etc

Afterschool Photography Club
·      Francesco discussed the benefits of an afterschool photography club
·      Children would take photographs throughout the year resulting in a sale of photographs at the end of the year, proceeds would go to the HTSA.
·      Proposal to be forwarded to Mr Bowden
·      Potentially looking to start club in January
·      Further details to be discussed at a later date
·      Adam happy to assist

Non Uniform Day 14th November
·      Children to bring in prizes for the Christmas fair tumbola

Important Dates
Wine Tasting
14 November
29 November
Non Uniform day
14 November

HTSA Meeting
10th October 2014

Gemma Winstanley, Marina Tebbutt, Adam Scott, Sophie Davies, Christine, Paula, Helen Martin, Louise, Maria Law, Maria L, Sarah Tyner, Judy Pang,
Sue Koumorou, Sylvia Larkin, Paula, Ella Dorrell


By who
New committee
We welcomed the new chairs and committee members:
Gemma and Marina – Joint Chair
Adam – vice chair
Sophie & Christine – Secretaries (Sophie for Thurs / Fri meetings and Christine for Mon – Wed)
Paula - Treasurer

Additional jobs
Bar, booze and licencing – Sarah Tyner and Maria
Food stall – Marina and Gemma retire and Maria Law and Kat take over
Print / Posters / Graphics – TBD
Catalogues and order – Judy Pang

All attendees to ask their fellow class parents if anyone works for a bank / big blue chip company, to sponsor money raised. Also looking for raffle prizes, sponsors, freebies – info for now and then create a sub committee – Gemma to co-ordinate
Bake off
Each class – 1 bake sale per ½ term, whichever class raises the most money will win a prize for their class. Fixed price – 50p per cake / slice. HTSA will provide float and napkins etc. Mr Ritson will set up tables. Class reps to organise cakes and 3 x parents to man stalls.
24 October – Y2
23 Jan – Y6
13 Feb – Y1J
20 March – Rec
1 May – Y3
22 May – Y5
19 June – Nursery
10 July – Y1G
Class reps
Wine Tasting
·      Date set for 14 November
·      7 wines to taste – mentioned maybe look into beer tasting too for those who don’t like wine
·      Also including cheese / rattle and pudding auction
·      Discussed having a wine raffle at the start, instead of having a licence for buying additional wine
·      £10 a ticket – class reps to see after half term
·      try to sell a table per class

Christmas Fair
Date set for 29th November
Next meeting to discuss this exclusively will be 5th November
·      Marina mentioned a rodeo reindeer – everyone agreed this was a good idea.
·      The company provides an operator and a prize for the person who stays on the longest. Suitable from 3 years up.
·      Cost is £280, Chen agreed to sponsor this.
·      Sophie to ask at work to see if we can get it from anyone else a little bit cheaper. Also ask about cost of a photobooth
·      Request to make fair more ‘christmassy’ this time
·      Each class rep to be responsible for 1 stall
·      Mr Bowden confirmed money counters available



Class reps
Gift Aid
Paula to look into this – maybe every parent can sign a form that lasts the year, then ticket sales can be linked if we keep a record of who attends each event.

New Ideas
Looking for new ideas to raise money from January
Circus workshop – Sophie to find out costs
Leavers Disco – Mr Bowden to let us know dates

Other ideas discussed:
East Finchley Treasure Hunt – might be able to get a ready made one online
Parent Fun Run
Barn Dance
Auction Night with Bar – or maybe a silent auction in conjunction with another event
Quiz night
Beauty night / spa day – everyone to ask how many parents in their class are beauty therapists / nail technicians etc.
HTSA Cookbook
Christmas Puddings – Chen to place bulk order to then sell – plum and chocolate with school logo
Everyone to email suggestions to new email address / facebook page

Mr Bowden

Class reps
Giving Machine
Need to market this more effectively, look into producing a flyer explaining how / why to do it

School Projects
Mr Bowden asked for the following:
1. £2,510 +VAT and approx. £1,000 for rubber chippings, to improve slide area, take out fence, add sleepers and put rubber chippings down instead of grass. Everyone agreed that this project could take place. Mr Bowden confirmed the work would take place over half term by Buffalo Landscapes
2. Playground Markings – this would cost approximately £6,000 to re-paint netball / football markings, and other games and markings in the infant playground
All agreed to work towards this and to have a visible target monitor so all parents can see how close to the target we are

Disco – nail / makeup / hair – taking too long and gender specific. Agreed not to have nails and makeup, but to keep the glitter hair spray as it is quick and for boys and girls
Glow sticks – some concern raised over the environmental impact. Agreed to have a recycling incentive after the disco
Raffle – talked about having monetary prizes instead of items to encourage more ticket sales

Important Dates
Wine Tasting
14 November
29 November
Next Meeting
5 November

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