Friday 25 September 2015

Ask Me What I Did Post… Y2E, Y3, Y4 & Y5 Parent Reps!

It is well documented that parental involvement in children’s education from an early age has a significant effect on educational achievement, and continues to do so into adolescence and adulthood. 

So this week's stars are… the parents who volunteered to be Parent Reps of Y2E, Y3 & Y4 – well done and THANKS to everyone who has stepped forward!

DON'T FORGET… HTSA AGM Is Friday 2nd October 9:00a.m in the club room

Friday 18 September 2015

Ask Me What I Did Post 18:09:15… Y2, Y4 & Y6 Mum Ella!

And… we're… OFF! 

2015/16 has only just started and already the HTSA ideas are coming in thick and fast!

This year's first ASK ME WHAT I DID POST – with which we mimic the Ask Me What I Did Postcards that get sent home to the children to mark special achievements at school – is dedicated to the mum of Tristan (Y2), Isobel (Y4) and Ethan (Y6) ELLA!

Ella has already driven the debate regarding evening meetings for the HTSA – a popular option, click here for the proposed restructuring of meetings.

More importantly, Ella has come up with a practical measure to ensure the collection of necessary info needed to make our Gift Aid work. At last!

Thanks Ella, well done.

Gift Aid will be on the agenda at the AGM on the 2nd October.

REMEMBER WE'RE LOOKING FOR NOMINATIONS FOR CHAIR, VICE CHAIR, TREASURER & SECRETARY AT THE HTSA AGM. This is YOUR opportunity to the stamp your mark on how the school fundraising should be run – and so far the field is clear. Put your names forward by the 1st of October, please.

Thursday 17 September 2015

Corporate Sponsorship for the HTSA – Win £100 Worth Of School Uniform

Last year the idea of corporate sponsorship for the HTSA was suggested by many parents – particularly dads – but sadly nothing came of the suggestions.

It would be good to get this excellent idea off the ground.

For 2015/16 if you can organise and bring in £500 of corporate sponsorship from a company or organisation then you will be entered into a prize draw – the prize is £100 to be spent at Braggs on school uniform items.

(As an added incentive if you can bring in £1000 of sponsorship you will be entered into the draw three times.)

You can approach the company you work for OR you can make approaches to companies via their charity departments – don't forget that the HTSA is a registered charity.

All corporate sponsor details will appear on our website and feature on all HTSA communications online and in print.

P.S. HTSA AGM is on Friday 2nd October 2015 at 9:00a.m in the Club Room.

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Evening Meetings For the HTSA

Evening Meetings for the HTSA

Following our survey last week, there seems to be a sufficient number of parents/carers willing to turn out for HTSA evening meetings to make the evening meetings viable.

Here's the proposal… 

We turn the planning and the organising of all EVENING EVENTS over to the EVENING MEETINGS while keeping daytime meetings in place to plan the big events of the calendar.


Daytime meetings to be dedicated to the AGM and the planning, organising and prep for the big events – the Christmas fair and the spring fair – as per 2014/15.


Evening meetings to be dedicated to the planning and organising of evening events.

To spread the workload we suggest that each separate evening event be lead by a specific year group (or combination of year groups), e.g. Y4 lead the Wine Tasting night, Y6 lead the Quiz Night, etc.

The meeting would therefore be set at the convenience of the members of each year group and at the venue of their choice.

The dates of the events will be set according to the space allowed by the school calendar.

Each evening meeting would be free to decide on the nature or theme of the events – new ideas welcome. 

The usual reasonable expenses and resources would be available to each group if required – poster design, ticketing & printing, for example. Clerking services, however would have to be arranged on a meeting-by-meeting basis depending on availability.

Thursday 3 September 2015