Sunday 17 May 2015

The HTSA Bouquet

Dear All,

That was an amazing collective effort. Well done for making the Spring Fair 2015 such a success.

Over the next couple of weeks, in the manner of last year's HTSA Thank You Advent Calendar (click HERE for a reminder) we'll be presenting virtual flowers from the HTSA BOUQUET as a thank you for your special efforts.

We hope you all know the drill by now: we believe in GRASSING UP GOOD BEHAVIOUR. So if you've seen someone tip-toeing around helping out at the fair and trying not to get noticed while doing good deeds, please drop us a line or grab one of the committee in the playground (click here for their mugshots if you don't know what they look like). 

When we post each virtual bloom from the HTSA BOUQUET we'll also be thanking our sponsors and supporters. Here they are…

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