Friday 8 May 2015

Hands Up… Who's KNACKERED?

Hands up who's KNACKERED?

Yup. Thought so.

For 8 months now – since September – you've been baking and selling cakes in wind and rain and shine.

You've been making posters and running stalls.

Collecting and donating.

You've coughed up money.

You've given up your valuable time.

You've been constantly mugged in the playground by an HTSA committee member pleading with tears in their eyes for you to volunteer for this, that and the other.

Eight months.

And on top of that, there's also the small matter of having to work for a living, organise swimming/piano/Mandarin lessons balanced with gymnastics/drama/brownies, birthday parties and playdates. Let's not forget homework. And we haven't even mentioned shopping, ironing, cleaning…

Hands up who's knackered? It's a wonder any of you have the energy left to raise a hand at all.

And this is the hardest bit, the third term of the year. 

One of our HTS parents said the other day, through gritted teeth, "I keep telling myself over and over: it's for a good cause, it's for a good cause…"

You have all contributed so much and there's still a way to go. And when we are tired – or when we feel put upon to volunteer again and again – it can be tough to see just why we bother.

But we are in the home stretch. We are nearly there! And your work this year has been, in that word of the week, OUTSTANDING. You have already raised several thousand pounds for the school. Together we are getting impressive results despite being such a small parent community.

But it's more than the money that makes our work together such a good cause.

Studies from both here and in the U.S tell us that parental involvement in the life of the school leads to improved behaviour and improved performance in our children.

Last week Marina quoted Emma Williams of PTA UK on the school newsletter. She's worth quoting here again:

"It's about showing children how to get involved with a community in a selfless way, with parents as partners of the school, working to support their child's education."

So the benefits are more than just financial.

But, again… when you are TIRED and PUT UPON it's tough to see the wood from the trees.

As parents and carers we don't have to deal with the stresses of an Ofsted inspection. For this relief, much thanks. But neither do we have a government-approved body to tell us – and the world – how well we are doing. To use the words of another of our parents just the other day, "It's a thankless task".

So… THANKS. You are all doing an amazing job for the HTSA.

And if we're missing a good deed being done on the quiet, then grab us and tell us. If you don't know what we look like Click HERE for our mugshots

One big push and we are almost there. The Spring Fair on Saturday 16th May is the next big event, and your contributions have already been… yes, that word AGAIN… outstanding. It needs repeating: we are a tiny school – just 150 families – and your efforts do not go unnoticed.
Well done everyone.

P.S. You do realise that we're going to be chasing you EVERY DAY this coming week, don't you? 

Have a great weekend.


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