Thursday 19 March 2015

Ask Me What I Did Post 19:03:15

Thanks this week go to… Tracy (Darcy's mum Y3)!

It was Tracy who came up with what we're now calling The Chilli Brainwave: parent/carer self-catering for our quiz night.

Tracey's Chilli Brainwave was the difference between posting a three-figure profit and a four-figure profit! 

For a wintertime event on a Friday night that clashed not only with Comic Relief, Mothers' Day weekend AND the Reception Cake Sale, we think this is pretty good going.

We thanked our chilli makers last week (click HERE if you missed that post*), and it was amazing to see so many of you on the night!

Tracy's example is a good one: just see the difference that a good idea can make! Keep 'em coming.

* If any of you want to share the chilli recipes then please do!

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