Friday 13 March 2015

Ask Me What I Did Post 13:03:15… Blessed Are The Chilli Makers!

Blessed are the chilli makers!

Thanks to everyone who has volunteered to make a chilli for the Quiz & Chilli night tonight! The roll of honour is…

Emma (mum of Jess Y4, Freya Y3 and Jamie in nursery); Karen (Isobella's mum Y3); Mary (Evie Y2); Jeanne (Marnie Y1G & Alessia Y3); Marina (Alex Y4); Tris (Amelie's dad Y4); and Judith (Matthew Y6).

Special mention goes to chilli makers from reception Christine (Shikara's mum) and Helen (Billy & Kitty) who also have a cake sale to contend with today ON TOP of dressing up the kids for Comic relief.

Not forgetting Sophie (mum of Sadie in Y1J and Findlay in nuesery)

Well done all!

Has a good deed gone unreported? Be a whistleblower for good behaviour! 

Email us or grab one of the committee in the playground at drop-off or pick up. If you don't know Marina & Gemma (Co-Chair), Paula (Treasurer) or Adam (Vice Chair) CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE and feel free to approach them any time! 

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