Friday 27 March 2015

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to all our hardworking and generous HTS parents!

Have a fantastic and well-deserved Easter break!

Ask Me What I Did Post 27:03:15… Godparents, Childminders, Grandparents & Colleagues You Can Help Too!

This week's Ask Me What I Did Post is dedicated to a person who is not directly related to the school as a parent. 

Ian Grieve recently donated money to cover the cost of t-shirts and a pizza supper reward for the Year 4 dance team. 

Ian is a friend of one of the parents at our school, and was in London to film Coalition for Channel 4 which is one telly tomorrow night at 9pm – we're giving him a plug in return for his generous donation!

We're also using him as an example. Do you have…

A Godparent


A Family Friend


A Grandparent


A Neighbour


A Colleague

… who could help us with our fundraising? We are such a tiny parent community, and you all work SO hard in every way, but we need ALL the help we can get!

We're particularly looking for sponsors to help with the forthcoming Spring Fair. Get your thinking caps on and get in touch! Email us or grab one of the committee in the playground at drop-off or pick up. If you don't know Marina & Gemma (Co-Chair), Paula (Treasurer) or Adam (Vice Chair) CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE and feel free to approach them any time! 

Tuesday 24 March 2015

A Letter From The Head Teacher

Dear All,

Congratulations on another successful term with the HTSA! The Quiz & Chilli night raised more than £1000.

In numbers you are such a small parent community, but you really make up for that in terms of effort and dedication!

New ideas really seem to be flying around and it's particularly gratifying to see so many of you getting involved for the first time this term

Everyone here at HTS appreciates that parents' time is valuable and that many parents can't muck-in as much as they would like. Your efforts – big or small – are always greatly appreciated.

Well done to all of you.

I'd like to say a particular thank you to the co-Chair of the HTSA Marina and Gemma. The Chair of the HTSA has to work long hours and we've always been lucky to have hard workers in the post. Marina and Gemma are tireless in their efforts behalf of our school and are already well ahead with their plans for the Spring Fair on the 16th May. I'm sure you'll join me in praising their efforts.

Don't forget to fill in the school survey (click HERE) – it's a great opportunity to give us your valued feedback.

Have a Happy Easter, enjoy your break.

Best wishes,

Mr. Bowden

Monday 23 March 2015

Please Help! Can You Display A Haven House Board to Raise Money For the School?

In the run-up to the Spring Fair on the 16th May, Haven estate agents will donate £10 for every family that will display a Haven board outside their house or flat. 

It's a really easy way to help raise funds for the school. Please GET IN TOUCH with your name and address so that we can raise as much money as we can for the Spring Fair on the 16th May. 

Thursday 19 March 2015

Ask Me What I Did Post 19:03:15

Thanks this week go to… Tracy (Darcy's mum Y3)!

It was Tracy who came up with what we're now calling The Chilli Brainwave: parent/carer self-catering for our quiz night.

Tracey's Chilli Brainwave was the difference between posting a three-figure profit and a four-figure profit! 

For a wintertime event on a Friday night that clashed not only with Comic Relief, Mothers' Day weekend AND the Reception Cake Sale, we think this is pretty good going.

We thanked our chilli makers last week (click HERE if you missed that post*), and it was amazing to see so many of you on the night!

Tracy's example is a good one: just see the difference that a good idea can make! Keep 'em coming.

* If any of you want to share the chilli recipes then please do!

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Can You Display A Haven House Board?

Haven estate agents have very generously stepped forward to sponsor our Spring Fair. Thanks Haven!

Can YOU help? We need parents/carers to display Haven boards outside their homes. 

For each board displayed, Haven will make a donation to the HTSA.

Please drop us a line at the usual address with your name and address so that we can arrange for a house board to be delivered.

This is a fantastic way to raise money for the school without having to donate or dress up or cook a chilli or pay for a ticket or sit in a bath of beans so PLEASE join in!

Monday 16 March 2015

Reception Cake Sale… The Result Is In And It's ANOTHER Record Breaker!

The Reception Cake Sale on Friday was a great success…

… raising a phenomenal total of…


Well done to all who baked and bought!

Reception now leads the way, beating the previous record set by the marvellous Year 1J.

Next up is the Year 3 Cake Sale on the 30th April!

Sunday 15 March 2015

Happy Mothers' Day To All HTS Mums

Happy Mothers' Day to all Holy Trinity School mums!

We hope you all have a FANTASTIC day you deserve it!

Friday 13 March 2015

Ask Me What I Did Post 13:03:15… Blessed Are The Chilli Makers!

Blessed are the chilli makers!

Thanks to everyone who has volunteered to make a chilli for the Quiz & Chilli night tonight! The roll of honour is…

Emma (mum of Jess Y4, Freya Y3 and Jamie in nursery); Karen (Isobella's mum Y3); Mary (Evie Y2); Jeanne (Marnie Y1G & Alessia Y3); Marina (Alex Y4); Tris (Amelie's dad Y4); and Judith (Matthew Y6).

Special mention goes to chilli makers from reception Christine (Shikara's mum) and Helen (Billy & Kitty) who also have a cake sale to contend with today ON TOP of dressing up the kids for Comic relief.

Not forgetting Sophie (mum of Sadie in Y1J and Findlay in nuesery)

Well done all!

Has a good deed gone unreported? Be a whistleblower for good behaviour! 

Email us or grab one of the committee in the playground at drop-off or pick up. If you don't know Marina & Gemma (Co-Chair), Paula (Treasurer) or Adam (Vice Chair) CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE and feel free to approach them any time! 

Monday 9 March 2015

"Gordon Brown" Donates To HTSA! Sort Of… But Not Really…

What? Gordon Brown has made a donation to the HTSA?

Let's clarify… we're giving huge thanks to actor Ian Grieve who is PLAYING Gordon Brown in the forthcoming Channel 4 film Coalition. Here he is, alongside Mark Dexter (David Cameron) and Bertie Carvell (Nick Clegg)…

Ian has made a donation which has covered the cost of t-shirts for Year 4 pupils who are taking part in the Barnet Dance Festival.

Thanks Ian!

Here's a thought…

Perhaps someone might like to volunteer to approach the real Gordon Brown to see if he'd match the donation.

And before we lay ourselves open to accusations of political bias, let it be stated that we would be quite happy to accept similar donations from former party leaders John Major and Charles Kennedy, too!

Coalition will air on Channel 4 later this spring.


Friday 6 March 2015

Ask Me What I Did Post 06:03:15… Emma (Charlie's Mum in Y1G)

Every week the school sends out Ask Me What I Did… postcards honouring Holy Trinity pupils who have gone the extra mile.

Here on our HTSA website we single out the parents who made the children who went the extra mile!

Big thanks this week go to… 

Emma (Charlie's mum Y1G)

Emma has shared some great admin and details for summer fair stalls.

Cheers Emma!

Has a good deed gone unreported? Be a whistleblower for good behaviour! 

Email us or grab one of the committee in the playground at drop-off or pick up. If you don't know Marina & Gemma (Co-Chair), Paula (Treasurer) or Adam (Vice Chair) CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE and feel free to approach them any time! 

Thursday 5 March 2015

Food For Thought… Time vs. Money, Donations vs. Volunteering

Since September we've been asking parents and carers how we can improve the HTSA and a number of issues have come up more than once. Issues such as this one:

Some parents have time but lack funds to donate; others can afford to donate but don't have time to volunteer. 

Several parents in the second category have gone so far as to ask: "Why can't we just donate instead of volunteering?"

So in reply to that, here's our first DIRECT SPONSORSHIP opportunity: a musical curriculum called Charanga as requested by Mrs Kimani, who writes:

Before half term I mention the possibility of the HTSA supporting with the cost of a new music curriculum to supplement learning in music at our school.

Ms Sawyers and I went on an introductory course and we both were extremely impressed with Charanga. This is a specialist new music curriculum, the scheme is based on listening, appraising, creating and exploring a range of musical genres. This curriculum can be used by Nursery - Y6.

The cost of subscribing to Charanga for one year is £150.


Thanks Mrs Kimani.

Would anyone like to sponsor this directly? We are offering the opportunity to sponsor in part (any amount from £10) or to sponsor the entire project.

P.S Don't forget we already have sponsorship opportunities and advertisng space to sell on our website

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Social Media & The HTSA

Dear All,

The HTSA has now been using social media to communicate with the parent/carer community at Holy Trinity for six months. 

As we all know (and as we all read in last week's school newsletter) social media and schools are often a problematic mix.

In light of that we'd like to say thanks to everyone who communicates with the HTSA using social media. Everyone who has used our Facebook page and Twitter feed has done so in a most responsible manner.

Social media has proven to be an invaluable tool for us and we have used it to great effect to drum up support, raise money, boost numbers for the Ofsted Parent View Survey and pay tribute to the hard-working parents and carers who give of themselves so freely to support our school.

Please help us to maintain this method of communication by keeping up your exceptionally high standards of civility (well done!) and by keeping to the rules of Facebook regarding the posting of photos of under 14's. Thanks for using social media responsibly thus far. 

Another great job from HTS parents and carers!

Monday 2 March 2015

Quiz & Chilli Night Friday 10th March 2015 – Tickets £10

Tickets are now available for the Quiz & Chilli night on the 13th March – £10 each.

They are available NOW from the school office and will be on sale from your class reps from Tuesday 3rd March.