Monday 17 November 2014

Wine Tasting… The Result!

£1000 was raised at our first major event of the year.

After expenses the Wine Tasting 2014 cleared a profit of £851.22!

 Well done and HUGE thanks to everyone who made it possible. Thanks to…

… our new Holy Trinity parents – nursery and reception mums and dads. Thank you! And welcome! Your support is absolutely vital to our school and we hope you had a good time!

… to everyone who bought a pudding at the pudding auction. You raised an astonishing £376 pounds.

… to Sarah Tyner (mum of Cerys in Year 2) who pushed the pudding auction to its maximum potential. (Note to Sarah: we’ve spoken to Mr. Bowden and he will be holding Cerys back in year 2 indefinitely. Sorry, but we just can’t afford to lose this revenue stream.)

… to Karen Pepper (Louis Y3 and Albert Y4) for the tablecloths and for pledging a £13.50 donation on Saturday morning which took our total before expenses from £986.50 to £1000!

… to Mr. Ritson, as always. Not only was the hall set up by the time we arrived, but he also baked a lemon meringue pie. All this despite practically tripping over the majestic moustache that he is cultivating to raise money for our Movember Hijack. Who said men can’t multi-task?

… to all of our glorious pudding makers: Ginie (Lucy’s mum Y1) who made five! Tris (Amelie’s dad Y4), Lin Askew (Freya's mum Y5), Karen P.G (Isobella’s mum Y3) and Christine (Chikara's mum Reception).

… to the cheese & crackers production line, namely Emma (mum of Jess Y4, Freya Y3 and Jamie in nursery) & Karen P.

… to Maria (mum of Ella in Y4) for pouring wine in such, er, generous* servings. (* By “generous” we mean colossal.)

Not forgetting everyone who helped clear up at the end of the night!

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