Tuesday 4 November 2014

Ask Me What I Did Post… 04:11:14

Our star of the week this week is the epitome of the old maxim, "If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it."

Step forward Ella Dorrell.

Ella, class rep for Y1G, has three kids at Holy Trinity – Tristan, Isobel and Ethan – PLUS a full time job, yet still found the time before half term to marshal the troops for the Christmas Fair, to organise volunteers for stalls and generally muck in.

In between times she's signed up to The Giving Machine and regularly shares our HTSA Facebook posts to spread the HTSA word (every little helps!).

Thanks Ella! My bathroom needs painting, any chance you could pop round and give it a quick lick o' paint this weekend? Ta.

Every week we pay tribute to just one of the many parents and carers who step up and help out with the HTSA. 

Are we overlooking anyone?

Are there "silent stars" out there? We want your nominations! Drop us a line at the usual address or catch Gemma, Marina or Adam in the playground,

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