Friday 13 February 2015

Food For Thought Corner 13:02:15

NEW… Since September we've had a number of great suggestions at our HTSA meetings for new fundraising initiatives. 

In this new series here on our website we're going to take a few of those ideas and start to flesh them out with YOUR input. Ideas are always welcome, but the point of this series is to turn these suggestions in to ACTION

All feedback welcome, so get your thinking caps on for Idea Number One…


As many of you already know, we have taken our first tentative steps into sponsorship with the Xmas Fair 2014 and this website. Local businesses Karen Pierce-Goulding Tour Guiding & Tony's Continental already sponsor our website.

We want to build this area of our fundraising.

So… here's your half-term homework!

• Can you think of local companies that might like to sponsor an event?

• Can you think of local companies that might like to advertise on our website?

• Do you work for a company that would sponsor an HTSA event?

• Do you run a small business – cleaner, personal trainer, gardener, driving instructor, child-minder – that could sponsor or advertise here on the website?

• Are you aware of any companies/organisations that have a sponsorship arm/department that would be willing to help us?

• Do you have a contact for a big sponsor for our Summer & Xmas Fairs

• Can you share contact details/info on sponsorship opportunities?

Two more points…

1. At the last HTSA meeting one parent said that her child's grandparents would be willing to sponsor a stall at the fair. Do you have generous grandparents/godparents who could sponsor us? 

2. Are we thinking too small? One dad asked why we don't just get Coca Cola to pay to have their logo painted on the roof of the school!

Get in touch with your suggestions, please! our email address is


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