Friday 9 January 2015

Ask Me What I Did Post 09:01:15

Our first Ask Me What I Did… post of 2015 relates to our DVD heroes of December 2014. 

Without their efforts the DVDs of the Xmas shows would not have been ready in time for Christmas.

Thanks therefore to GINIE (again!), Lucy's mum in Y1G.

Thanks to CRAIG, dad of Harry in nursery, Ruby in Y3 and Freddie in Y5. 

You are both stars for burning the midnight oil to burn the discs!

Special mention should also go to TRACEY (Sasha's mum in Y3). Tracey donated a load of blank discs and we were able to use them for the Xmas shows. Well done Tracey! (If anyone else has blank DVDs that they don't need then please do as Tracey did and donate 'em to your HTSA!)

P.S. Both productions were absolutely fantastic well done kids and staff!

P.P.S The total raised by the HTSA in DVD sales is £340 so far!

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