Friday 30 January 2015

Ask Me What I Did Post 30:01:15

Multiple stars awarded this week! 

There was such a great turnout this morning at the HTSA meeting that we ran out of coffee cups – so our Ask Me What I Did Post for this week is dedicated to everyone who came armed with great ideas and offers of support.

Extra thanks go to those who were unable to attend the meeting in person but who chipped in with our live updates on Facebook – keep in mind you can respond to those comments at your own convenience.

As soon as the minutes of the meeting are ready we will post them here on the website – and the date for the next HTSA meeting will be announced next week.

Monday 26 January 2015

Y6 Cake Sale Bake Off… The Result…

Well done to Y6 and their Frozen Cake Sale (the cakes were fresh, the sale was frozen!) which raised a fantastic £108.61! 

Friday 23 January 2015

Year 6 Cake Sale Nom Nom Mom

Here they are, the heroines who brought cakey marvellousness to the abstemious wasteland that is January…

Lemon drizzle cake, jelly tot cupcakes, chocolate cookies, mini-Oreo cupcakes, the spread was impressive indeed.

Well done to everyone who baked and bought, we look forward to bringing you the total money raised as soon as we can!

We can confirm that it was easily THE COLDEST cake sale so far, with the mercury barely nudging the 4ºC mark, with a "Feels Like" temperature (according to the Met Office) of 0 - 1ºC… so EXTRA congratulations you four!

Thursday 22 January 2015

Ask Me What I Did Post 22:01:15: Thanks Jac Miller

Our shout out this week goes to Jac Miller (mum of Rosie in Y2) for her piece in The Archer about our Christmas Fair.

Thanks Jac!

Here's the piece…

You can read the Archer here:

Wednesday 21 January 2015

We Don't Mind If You Want To Go Solo!

As you all know we are having our next HTSA meeting on the 30th January at 9:00a.m. We will, of course, be discussing upcoming fundraising events.

Your response to HTSA fundraising events last term was phenomenal. We cannot overstate this. Your help, your participation, for such a tiny parent community, is amazing.

But you don't have to wait for the organised fundraisers to make money for our school. We won't be offended if you go out on your own!

Have you made a New Year resolution that could help the school, particularly in the firld of health and fitness? For example…

Are you a cyclist? How about a sponsored cycle to raise money for the school?

A long-distance sponsored walk?

Are you getting fit for the New Year and considering a 10K run? Would you consider getting sponsors?

If you think you can raise money for the school then we ALWAYS want to hear from you! Get in touch!

Friday 9 January 2015

Ask Me What I Did Post 09:01:15

Our first Ask Me What I Did… post of 2015 relates to our DVD heroes of December 2014. 

Without their efforts the DVDs of the Xmas shows would not have been ready in time for Christmas.

Thanks therefore to GINIE (again!), Lucy's mum in Y1G.

Thanks to CRAIG, dad of Harry in nursery, Ruby in Y3 and Freddie in Y5. 

You are both stars for burning the midnight oil to burn the discs!

Special mention should also go to TRACEY (Sasha's mum in Y3). Tracey donated a load of blank discs and we were able to use them for the Xmas shows. Well done Tracey! (If anyone else has blank DVDs that they don't need then please do as Tracey did and donate 'em to your HTSA!)

P.S. Both productions were absolutely fantastic well done kids and staff!

P.P.S The total raised by the HTSA in DVD sales is £340 so far!

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Happy New Year! Welcome Back!

We hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year.

We're delighted to begin the new term with good news – we broke the £100 barrier in December by shopping via The Giving Machine! Total raised was…