Tuesday 7 October 2014


The HTSA AGM took place on the 30th September 2014…

After 3 years of hard work and dedication Sue Koumourou and Sylvia Larkin have decided to step down as joint Chair of the HTSA. We say a huge thank you to them both for their efforts and achievements during this time and wish them every success going forward.

This means we have some new committee members! 

Gemma Winstanley and Marina Tebbutt have stepped up from the role of joint Vice Chair to become the new HTSA joint Chair, and filling the role of Vice Chairman is Adam Scott. Paula Dozie continues in her role as Treasurer, and Sophie Driscoll along with Christine Mere will share the role of Secretary. 

We say a huge thank you to all the parents and staff who continue to support and help the HTSA, it truly is a team effort.

We also welcome all parents who are new to Holy Trinity and look forward to helping them settle in by hosting an informal coffee morning on Friday 10th October at 9am. Please come along to meet some new parents and find out what the HTSA is all about.  Refreshments will be followed by our first meeting during which we hope to pencil in some dates for our future events.

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