Monday 21 November 2016

Saturday 19 November 2016

Games Night Results - Oct 2016

A big thanks to everyone, who came out to support our games night last month. We raised a brilliant £477.16

Year 5 Cake Sale - Sept 2016

Congratulations and well done to Year 5! What an excellent start to the Bake Off.

Holy Trinity School Christmas Fair - 2016

The Winter Fair is closely approaching!

Lots to look forwards to:
- Santa's Grotto
- Face Painting
- Games and Prizes
- Lucky Dip
- Food and Drinks
- Music
- Toys
- Jarbola
+ More

See you on the 3rd December @ 12pm!

The Year 6 Fashion Show

Year 6 will be taking part in a Fashion Show, which involves up-cycling their old clothes.
This exciting event is in association with Hallett Retail, and will raise money for the HTSA.

The runway starts at 6:30pm, so bring your cameras and be there.

Music, mulled wine and cakes also provided on the night!

Friday 4 November 2016


It's only 4 weeks to the Christmas Fair, Saturday 3rd December 12-2.30pm. The HTSA have been busy planning a fun time for everyone.  Although we need some help please....

•  Raffle Prizes - if you have any new unwanted gifts clogging up draws please bring them in or if you  are able to donate a prize see Tracy Peace
•  Books & Toys - old but in good condition
•  Tombola - the children can dress in mufti on Thursday 17th November and are kindly asked to bring  in donations. Letters will be in the book bags next week.
•  Help on Stalls - please let your year rep know if you are able to help at any point on the day. 

At the Christmas Fair we are having a jarbola stall and are asking parents to donate old jam/sauce jars filled with sweets/treats.

This year we're running a competition. The parent who brings in the most amount of jars (filled with sweets) will win a £20 Retreat voucher. Thanks to Aron's dad (reception).

Tracy Peace  Chair of HTSA 

Wednesday 2 November 2016

HTSA Meeting 4th November

Don't Forget! The next HTSA meeting is on Friday 4th November at 9am in the AC Club.
