Friday 29 April 2016

HTSA EGM 20th May

On Friday 20th May 2016 we are holding an EGM to ratify the constitution of the HTSA. 

Based on the rules of the old constitution we require 25 members to pass any changes – to get as many people as possible to attend we are holding the EGM in conjunction with the last minute preparation session for the Spring Fair 2016.

The amendments – drafted by our treasurers Wiebke and Hannah – bring the constitution in line with the PTA-UK model constitution from 2011 and are designed to reflect our practice by taking the school size into consideration. The aim is to make the HTSA more streamlined and efficient.

Without an up-to-date constitution we will be unable to progress with our plans for Gift Aid – please, can you spare a few minutes in the Club Room at 9:00am on the 20th May?

You can view both the current and proposed amended constitutions HERE.

Thanks to Wiebke and Hannah for all their work on this 

Thursday 21 April 2016

Huge Thanks to Haven & Dominos Sponsors of Our Forthcoming Spring Fair

The Spring Fair is on the 21st May 2016 and we couldn't do it without the help of Haven Estate Agents and Dominos Pizza.

Thanks for your support guys!