Thursday 8 December 2016

Winter Fair 2016

This year we raised an outstanding amount during our Winter Fair.


Monday 5 December 2016

Winter Fair 2016

A BIG thank you to everyone who supported

Holy Trinity Winter Fair

Santa's Grotto was a magical experience for all.

Our teachers had such fun hosting games for the  children and families

The puddings and cakes were a treat as always

The cooks made some amazing festive food, just what we needed

The children loved having their faces painted. The snow queen look, was a big hit.

Both the Jarbola, and Tumbola were buzzing tables. The children and parents loved their prizes.

The sweets were beautifully wrapped with bows and ribbons and presented with big smiles.

The perfect Christmas gifts were found on our books, toys, and DVD tables.

We were so excited for one another at the raffle prize draw, there were many screams and cheers. Congratulations to everyone that won a prize!

Monday 21 November 2016

Saturday 19 November 2016

Games Night Results - Oct 2016

A big thanks to everyone, who came out to support our games night last month. We raised a brilliant £477.16

Year 5 Cake Sale - Sept 2016

Congratulations and well done to Year 5! What an excellent start to the Bake Off.

Holy Trinity School Christmas Fair - 2016

The Winter Fair is closely approaching!

Lots to look forwards to:
- Santa's Grotto
- Face Painting
- Games and Prizes
- Lucky Dip
- Food and Drinks
- Music
- Toys
- Jarbola
+ More

See you on the 3rd December @ 12pm!

The Year 6 Fashion Show

Year 6 will be taking part in a Fashion Show, which involves up-cycling their old clothes.
This exciting event is in association with Hallett Retail, and will raise money for the HTSA.

The runway starts at 6:30pm, so bring your cameras and be there.

Music, mulled wine and cakes also provided on the night!

Friday 4 November 2016


It's only 4 weeks to the Christmas Fair, Saturday 3rd December 12-2.30pm. The HTSA have been busy planning a fun time for everyone.  Although we need some help please....

•  Raffle Prizes - if you have any new unwanted gifts clogging up draws please bring them in or if you  are able to donate a prize see Tracy Peace
•  Books & Toys - old but in good condition
•  Tombola - the children can dress in mufti on Thursday 17th November and are kindly asked to bring  in donations. Letters will be in the book bags next week.
•  Help on Stalls - please let your year rep know if you are able to help at any point on the day. 

At the Christmas Fair we are having a jarbola stall and are asking parents to donate old jam/sauce jars filled with sweets/treats.

This year we're running a competition. The parent who brings in the most amount of jars (filled with sweets) will win a £20 Retreat voucher. Thanks to Aron's dad (reception).

Tracy Peace  Chair of HTSA 

Wednesday 2 November 2016

HTSA Meeting 4th November

Don't Forget! The next HTSA meeting is on Friday 4th November at 9am in the AC Club.


Wednesday 19 October 2016

Raise funds for Holy Trinity Primary School without spending an extra penny by using:

• Free and easy to join. Free and easy to use
• Every time you buy from your favourite online shops via this website, you’ll be triggering a free cash donation for our school
• You may be able to save money too, with lots of special offers, promotions and discounts

To register/join The Giving Machine

1. On the homepage click ‘Join as a Giver’

2. Choose a cause to support. Type ‘Holy Trinity C.E. Primary School’ and press  ‘search’

3. There are many schools called Holy Trinity. Our school should come up as Holy Trinity C.E. Primary School, London. If in doubt, click the school to check. You should see our HTSA logo

4. Click ‘Join and support’ 

5. Fill in the form (your name, e-mail address, and a password) and click ‘Join’

How to make a donation happen

• As you shop online, log in to your Giving Machine account, find the website you are shopping on and click the ‘shop now’ link. This then reopens your online shop in a new tab but as you check out a donation for Holy Trinity will be triggered

• There is a ‘Shop and Give Reminder’ tool that you can install if you would like a reminder to click through the Giving Machine website before you shop

• If you are browsing a lot and using search engines, make sure you come back and click through the ‘shop now’ link before you pay for your shopping or else there will be no benefit to Holy Trinity

How can it be free for you?
• Online shops (e.g. Tesco and Amazon) pay a commission to websites (e.g. The Giving Machine) which direct shoppers to them. There are hundreds of participating shops.

• If you shop via then 75% of the commission paid to the website is converted into a cash donation to Holy Trinity School

Sunday 16 October 2016



25th November - Y3C CAKE SALE



15th January 2016 YEAR 3 CAKE SALE
Fri 21st Jan
KS1 3.30 – 4.30
KS2 6.30 – 7.30



MARCH 2017
24th March YEAR 2 CAKE SALE

April 2017

MAY 2017
Spring Fair - Saturday 20th May

JUNE 2017

JULY 2017

Games Night - Friday 21 October

Please Join Us!
Friday 21 October 2016
7:30pm to 10:30pm
Table Tennis, Darts, and More.
Tickets are £5.00 and include a bowl of chilli
Let’s raise money for our school
Trophies to be won!

New Committee Members 2016/2017

                                                          New Committee Members

The HTSA would like to thank Adam, Gemma, and Marina who have stepped down for their roles as Chair and Co-Chairs.

A great welcome to Tracey Peace who will be acting as the new Chair and Michele Hunter, who will be taking the role as Co-Chair.

The HTSA would also like to welcome Sophie and Aimee who will be offering their secretarial support.     

Current HTSA Team

  • Chair: Tracey Peace
  • Co- Chair: Michele Hunter
  • Secretary: Sophie Davies and Amiee Roger Preston
  • Treasurer: Hannah Foster and Wiebke Crouch (Thormahlen)
  • HTSA website Facebook Page: Michele Hunter

Monday 18 July 2016

HTSA Fundraising Total for the Year 2015/16

Dear All,

Well done and huge thanks to everyone who helped raise funds for the school this year.

For such a tiny parent community we should be proud that we have raised an astonishing £14,550*

*A few figures and small expenses have yet to come in, but it really is a great total.

Well done to everyone who mucked-in.

Your HTSA AGM is on Friday the 16th September in the club room at 9:00a.m - it's your opportunity to decide who will be running the HTSA in 2016/17 as Chair & Vice Chair.

NEWS JUST IN… Treasurer Hannah has just counted up the takings from tonight's concert … a whopping £526.84 after expenses… which takes us OVER the £15,000 mark!

Have a great summer!

Cake Sale Bake-Off Results 2015-16!

The results are IN! Here's the final league table for Cake Sale Bake Off 2015/16.

Congratulations Y4!

Y4 cake sale £194.00

Y2E £193.35

Y2H £181.94

Y1 cake sale £186.33

Y5 cake sale £153.10

Reception cake sale £146.80

Y3 cake sale £125.20

Y6 cake sale £117.10

Nursery cake sale £114.35

TOTAL raised from cake sales in 2015/16 £1,036.88

Well done, as ever, to everyone who bought and baked.

Thursday 14 July 2016

AGM & New HTSA Chair/Vice Chair


It's almost the holidays! It's been another busy and successful year in terms of fundraising – thanks to everyone who has given of their time to raise money for the school.

With the last big fundraising events of 2015/16 now behind us it is time for Marina, Gemma and Adam to stand down from their roles as Chair/Vice Chair of the HTSA

An AGM has been set for Friday 16th September 2016 at 9a.m in the Club Room and anyone who wishes to take over the posts of Chair & Vice Chair should come along to put themselves forward.

Hannah & Wiebke are working hard on the numbers and we are hoping to have totals for the year next week and we'll also announce the winners of the Cake Sale Bake Off.

Monday 11 July 2016

Well Done Reception Cakers!

The Reception Cake Sale raised a fantastic £146.80!

Well done to all who bought & baked!

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Well Done Y5!

Well done to Y5 – £153.10 was raised at Friday's cake sale!

Thanks to all who bought & baked!

Friday 29 April 2016

HTSA EGM 20th May

On Friday 20th May 2016 we are holding an EGM to ratify the constitution of the HTSA. 

Based on the rules of the old constitution we require 25 members to pass any changes – to get as many people as possible to attend we are holding the EGM in conjunction with the last minute preparation session for the Spring Fair 2016.

The amendments – drafted by our treasurers Wiebke and Hannah – bring the constitution in line with the PTA-UK model constitution from 2011 and are designed to reflect our practice by taking the school size into consideration. The aim is to make the HTSA more streamlined and efficient.

Without an up-to-date constitution we will be unable to progress with our plans for Gift Aid – please, can you spare a few minutes in the Club Room at 9:00am on the 20th May?

You can view both the current and proposed amended constitutions HERE.

Thanks to Wiebke and Hannah for all their work on this 

Thursday 21 April 2016

Huge Thanks to Haven & Dominos Sponsors of Our Forthcoming Spring Fair

The Spring Fair is on the 21st May 2016 and we couldn't do it without the help of Haven Estate Agents and Dominos Pizza.

Thanks for your support guys!

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Pasta Night & Auction Raises £3,400!

Estimated profit for last week's pasta night stands at £3,400! Well done to Catherine, the Gatti family and all the team involved in creating such a great night and raising such a fabulous sum!

Friday 12 February 2016

Ask Me What I Did Post 12:02:16… Paula, Judy, Karen & Chen

We are delighted to announce that the school discos were a great success on all fronts – £634.58 was raised!

Thanks go to Paula (Luca's mum), Judy (Alex Y3), Karen (Fay Y5 & Amber 2H) and Chen (Edison, Y4) for organising!

The next HTSA event is a pasta making night with auction! More news next term. Have a great half term break everyone.

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Y6 Cake Sale This Friday!

This Friday 12th it's the Y6 Cake Sale!

Celebrate Valentine's Day AND half term from 3:30p.m in the playground. 

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Ask Me What I Did Post 20:01:16

The Ask Me What I Did Post is the HTSA's version of the school's Ask Me What I Did Postcards that get sent home to mark our children's achievements.

While events of recent weeks regarding high school places here in N2 have been occupying much of our time and energy, we're delighted to say that vital fundraising hasn't been neglected here at Holy Trinity.

Many of you will have enjoyed the wonderful DVD of the 2015 nativity made by Ginie, Lucy's mum in Y2E!

Lucy's regular contributions to the life of HTS and her fundraising efforts have not gone unnoticed and she has featured in this slot before. But particular praise is due in the case of her DVD.

It is a beautiful memento of one of the great rites of passage in a school journey and one that we can enjoy for years to come. Not only that, but the DVD has been tailored to each specific class and features some great bonus material.

We appreciate the amount of concentration and focus required to bring such a project to fruition - especially at Christmastime when, as a parent you had a LOT on!

Thanks for sharing your time and talent, Ginie.

Last word of praise – your excellent pay-what-you-can (up to £5) pricing policy was also a very good idea.

Monday 18 January 2016

Well Done Y3!

Year 3 cake sale last Friday raised £126! 

Well done to all who bought and baked!

Next up, it's Year 6 on Friday February 12th!

Monday 11 January 2016

Year 3 Cake Sale This Friday 15th January 2016

This Friday January 15th in the playground at drop-off it's the first Cake Sale of 2016! 

Year 3 will be baking and selling – good luck everyone!