Wednesday 29 April 2015

Ask Me What I Did Post 29:04:15… 40 Thanks Yous!

Last week we thanked two HTS Parents for their help…

This week we're grateful to FORTY!

Thanks to everyone who volunteered to put up a Haven board!

One of our parents, writing on our Facebook page last night, commented…

"I think one of my neighbours thought it was a "for sale" sign and seemed a bit too pleased to see us off - or so she thought! Ha ha."

Thanks to EVERYONE.

You've raised a mighty £400 for the school!

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Bloody Cake Sales – A Response From PTA UK

This morning we posted a link on our Facebook page to an extremely funny article on fundraising in school entitled "Sponsorship money, raffles and more bloody cakes’: where’s the fun in fundraising?" 

It's a great read.

Click HERE to read the full article, it's very funny and will ring more than a few bells with our hardworking HTSA parents & carers!

We were equally impressed with the response to the article from Emma Williams of PTA UK, which we are posting in full below…

For those parents reading this who are about to embark on the school journey, the good news is that Claire Macintosh’s witty, but slightly depressing account of PTA life is not the full picture.

The BIG message is that PTAs are not all about baking cakes; it's about showing children how to get involved with a community in a selfless way, with parents as partners of the school, working to support their child's education. Sure, fundraising for schools (our members raised £120M for schools last year) is a part of this, but actually it’s all about enhancing children's learning and wider school experience.

If your child sees you actively participating in their school, showing that you care about their school life, then it makes them care more in turn. 

In fact, research shows that “the effect of parental engagement over a student's school career, is the equivalent of adding an extra two to three years to that students education”. [John Hattie, Visible Learning 2008].

So handing over the cash just doesn’t quite cut it. That is why 75% of our schools in the UK have PTAs and why PTA UK is striving for a PTA in every school.

The good news for the PTA volunteers, is that we hear the cries for more help. Over the next 12-18 months, we are launching a number of initiatives to speak out to parents to tell them how important it is to be involved. Watch this space:

Emma Williams, Executive Director PTA UK

Monday 27 April 2015

Year 3 Cake Sale This Friday!

It's the Year 3 Cake Sale this Friday – taking place in the playground after school.

The challenge is to beat the astonishing total of £214 set by Reception last time around. Good luck everyone!

Thursday 23 April 2015

Ask Me What I Did Post… 23:04:15 A Double Bill!

Big thanks this week go to Francesco – Eduardo's dad in Y1G for designing the poster for our Spring Fair on the 16th May.

Equally big thanks to Tris (Amelie's dad in Y4) for printing it!

Thanks gents!

P.S. Don't forget the HTSA meeting on Friday at 9:00a.m!

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Spring Fair 16th May 2015 – Our Sponsors So Far

As you all know it's the Spring Fair on Saturday 16th May. Here are our sponsors & supporters so far…

Do you know of a company who would like to sponsor the Spring Fair? Get in touch please! Drop us a line or grab Gemma, Marina, Paula or Adam in the playground. 

P.S. Don't forget the HTSA meeting this Friday at 9:00a.m in the club house.

Friday 17 April 2015

Ask Me What I Did Post 17:04:15


This week's Ask Me What I Did post is dedicated to…


at Holy Trinity School.

We will, of course, have to wait for the results of our Ofsted inspection

But this week, on Wednesday and Thursday when the inspectors were in, HTS parents, staff and children did what they do every single day of the school year: you gave 100%.

Well done everyone. Summer term here we come!

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Spring Fair Supporter – Domino's Pizza!

Thanks to Dominos Pizza on the High Road for supporting our Spring Fair by providing pizza for the food stalls!

Parents & carers – please get in touch with any suggestions for companies or individuals that could sponsor or support our Spring Fair! Drop us a line or grab Gemma, Marina, Paula or Adam in the playground. 

Monday 13 April 2015

Please Help!

Yup, we've hit the ground running – which means we're ALREADY asking you to do stuff!

Good news is we're starting with a very easy one.

PLEASE can you display a Haven board outside your house or flat to raise money for the Spring Fair?

For every board the school gets £10.

Get in touch with your class rep or catch Marina, Gemma, Paula or Adam in the playground (click HERE if you don't know what they look like).

Welcome Back!

We hope you all had a FANTASTIC Easter Break!
Welcome to Summer Term 2015!

Some Dates for your diary…

APRIL 2015


Friday 30th April  YEAR 3 BAKE OFF CAKE SALE

MAY 2015

Saturday 16th May SUMMER FAIR


JUNE 2015

Friday 12th June AUCTION NIGHT


JULY 2015